
Showing posts from November, 2023

Id HW #1

video 1      This fifteen-minute tutorial provides a run-down of the basic and most frequent function that Adobe InDesign has to offer. The author of the video goes into quick detail on how to open the program, place content on the page, and completed the tutorial with a finished layout to demonstrate how easy and assessable this program is.       Tools that I find easy to use are the Window panel functions such as layers, selection tool, and the text panel. I also found useful the tips and tricks on how to operate in pages as layout making it the primary purpose for this program. What I find potentially difficult for me is the grids. I am bad with measurements, and I feel like I would be a bit confused on where and how to place them. video 2     This is a fun, entertaining, and beginner friendly fifteen-minute video featuring different InDesign tips and tricks in alphabetical order. Starting from the definition of Autosave to the Zoom t...


Final Animated GIF Original Image used Artist Statement  For this animation project I illustrated and animated a fish with bubbles. I was inspired by the Goldfish cracker stop motion animation seen in advertising. The title of my animation is "Don't burst my bubble", I thought it was a clever play on words that fits with the animation at hand. For this assignment I followed the tutorial provided as well as a few from YouTube which helped me get specific help in the areas that I was confused on. This is my first time utilizing the frame animation panel in Photoshop therefore I wanted to try making something simple since I am a beginner in this section of the Adobe Programs. Additionally, I was not able to fully complete this project as I have a family emergency and would not be able to get additional class help. I did submit what I had completed despite it being shorter than required and partially complete.


 Original Image Image of myself Final image Artist Statement For my "Somewhere" project assignment I decided to insert myself in the scene from The Walking Dead. I thought it would be fun to become part of a zombie herd as the show itself has hired fans to be zombie set extras. Conveniently enough I had a recent photo of me looking down which I thought was perfect for the original picture selected as the sun and shadows were coming from the same direction. I did not follow any tutorials on how to complete this project, instead I wanted to apply what I had recently learned from the in-class tutorials. I used the Object Selection tool to isolate myself from the background of my image then I did the same to the central zombie and arranged the layers so that I am approaching from behind him. I then worked with the Object Selection tool, Clone Stamp tool, Layer masks, and Overlays to give myself a decaying look.

Ps HW #3

 1) An image that would be really hard to Photoshop myself into: Out of all the authors works I feel like this would be difficult to Photoshop myself into because Kendal Jenner's hand is touching the face. As well as the model poses while "pulling" on his skin which means that the editing had to be more precise in that area in order to make it believable. 2) An image that inspired me or gave me an idea for the "Somewhere" project: This image gave me inspiration for my future "Somewhere" project! I find it inspiration in it because I like how his edit looks very animated. This made me realize that it is more fun to try and make my project less realistic. 3) An image that makes me laugh: This image made me chuckle because the editor took the Photoshop request in a very literal sense. Plus it looks like it was easy and quick to accomplish which adds to the humor. 4) An illusion that I might want to recreate: I found this illusion impressive and I liked ho...

BW to Color

Original        B/W to color Artist Statement: For this assignment I used the photo of myself that I took enjoying nature. Because of this, when choosing what parts of my picture to change the color of I wanted to focus more on the background. In one of the color variations, I tried a more conventional approach that was presented in the video and changed my hair and jewelry. But, for the other ones I wanted to abstractly shift the colors in the background. My thought process was to make the spotting in the sky and tree behind me to look like a virus almost, sort of like the particles in the nature are absorbing into me. From I selected the color rules that were appealing to me.