Ps HW #1

From the "The People's Portfolio" what brought me close to my emotions are the photos from the "Rights in Russia" photoshoot. Specifically, the photo that features Natalia Voronitsya laying down on a couch with her computer on her lap and the medication on the side table in the background. 

I like this photo because it is one of the more creative ones in this collection. The placement and composition stood out to me which is why I clicked on the photograph to explore it closer and learn more about the story behind it. 
The tragic and unfortunate occurrence of her condition partnered with the look in her eyes and expression made me feel deeply for her. The caption perfect described her with the word "confined" which added to the power behind the image. 
Natalia's face has a hopeless look while also having her laptop open which shows that she is simultaneously trying to do something. Yet the screen isn't on and it's black and matching the empty background. This adds to the effect and tone of the message that the author is trying to convey.
I feel for this tug and pull of emotions. Also, as someone who is Slavic, I feel like I am specially drawn to these series as all the names and the features of the photographed subjects feel familiar. This makes me feel closer to the troubles photographed.

For my photo I captured myself enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting near a flower bush under a tree at the Riverwalk. 
I love going on walks and appreciating solitude. It gives me an opportunity to ground myself, recharge, and mentally plan my day. 
Similar to what coffee does to the body, sitting under the warm sun and feeling the breeze in my hair connects me with nature and gives me natural energy to my mind and soul.


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